Courses in Film & Media Studies

For descriptions of all courses on offer in the F&MS department and their scheduled instructors, consult the Dartmouth Course Descriptions and Requirements published by the Office of the Registrar.

For detailed information about course offerings by term, such as required reading materials and meeting times, the most reliable source is the Timetable of Class Meetings.

Scheduled Courses

Fall 2024

Major Advisor: Mark Williams and Paul Young

FILM 1: Introduction to Film: From Script to Screen Paul Young (10; MWF 10:10-11:15, Th 12:15-1:05)

FILM 20: Film History I: Silent to Sound Joanna Rapf (3A; MW 3:30-5:20, M 5:30-6:20)

FILM 31: Filmmaking I: Basic Elements of Film Iyabo Kwayana (3A; MW 3:30-5:20, M 5:30-6:20)

FILM 33: Writing for the Screen I Bill Phillips (10A; TuTh 10:10-12, F 3:30-4:20)

FILM 40: Theories and Methodologies of Film and Media Studies Mark Williams (6B; W 6:30-9:30, Tu 7:30-8:20)

FILM 41.07: Cinema and the Graphic Novel Paul Young (12; MWF 12:50-1:55, Tu 1:20-2:10)

FILM 42.19/MES 15.11/JWST 44.01: Middle East in Film Andrew Simon

FILM 43.01: Women Make Movies Anaiis Cisco (10A; TuTh 10:10-12, F 3:30-4:20)

FILM 44.09: Cinematography I: Lighting and Composition Iyabo Kwayana (6B; W 6:30-9:30, Tu 7:30-8:20)

FILM 45: U.S. Television History Jennie Chamberlain (10A; TuTh 10:10-12, F 3:30-4:20)

FILM 50.04/MUS 046/COLT 40.07: Video Games and the Meaning of Life William Cheng (2A; TuTh 2:25-4:15, W 5:30-6:20)

FILM 47.28: Queer Cinema Anaiis Cisco (2A; TuTh 2:25-4:15, W 5:30-6:20)

Scheduled Courses

Winter 2025

Major Advisor: Mark Williams

FILM  7.15: First Year Seminar: Women in Comedy Joanna Rapf

FILM 3: Introduction to Digital Arts and Culture John Bell

FILM 31: Filmmaking I: Basic Elements of Film Iyabo Kwayana

FILM 33: Writing for the Screen I Bill Phillips

FILM 37: Directing for the Camera Iyabo Kwayana

FILM 40: Theories and Methodologies of Film and Media Studies Paul Young

FILM 43.04: Hitchcock in England and America Paul Young

FILM 44.14/LACS 24.25: Making Video Essays Desirée Garcia

FILM 93: Major Project - Senior Seminar Mark Williams

FILM 95: Honors Project I - Senior Seminar Mark Williams

Scheduled Courses

Spring 2025

Major Advisor: Mary Flanagan

FILM 7.21: First Year Seminar: Zombie Media: Memes,Truth, and Forgetting to Remember John Bell

FILM 21: Film History II: 1930-60 Joanna Rapf

FILM 34: Writing for the Screen II Bill Phillips

FILM 35: Animation: Principles and Practice Jodie Mack

FILM 37: Directing for the Camera Iyabo Kwayana

FILM 41.04/ANTH 12.01: Ethnographic Film Laura Ogden

FILM 42.03/COLT 52.02: New Latin American Cinema Gerd Gemünden

FILM 42.16/AAAS 32.05: Cinema of Black Protest Trica Keaton

FILM 42.19/MES 15.11/JWST 44.01: Middle East in Film Andrew Simon

FILM 44.04: Sound: Practice and Theory Jodie Mack

FILM 44.06: Storytelling in the Digital Age Jennie Chamberlain

FILM 44.10/CRWT 41.01: Writing for Television Eugenie Carabatsos

FILM 47.30: Black Looks: A Survey of Race and Representation in Cinema and Visual Media Iyabo Kwayana

FILM 51: Game Design Studio Mary Flanagan

FILM 96: Honors Project II - Senior Seminar Mary Flanagan