There are three pathways to completing the Culminating Experience Requirement: extra work in an advanced course, enrolling in FILM 93, or enrolling in the FILM 95/96 sequence.
Extra Work in an Advanced Course in Film & Media Studies
During one term, the student completes extra work in an advanced studies course
May be completed in any term
Eligible courses for this option: any studies courses among the FILM 41s and 50s.
Important: Production courses (animation, editing, screenwriting, etc.) are not eligible for this option in the winter or spring.
The course cannot fulfill another requirement for the major
The instructor of the course grants permission and is considered the project advisor
The instructor must be a faculty member of the Department of Film & Media Studies
Extra work will be determined by the student and instructor in collaboration
FILM 93: Major Project
The Culminating Experience instructor is the advisor for all projects
The major project is a two-term commitment and may be pursued in history/criticism/theory studies or production/media-making
The major project may only be completed during winter and spring terms
Students register for FILM 93 in the winter only and receive an "ON" (ongoing) grade at the end of winter term. The grade will be updated at the conclusion of the spring term
Students must attend the Culminating Experience seminar in both winter and spring terms
The major project is designed to be commensurate with the Extra Work in an Advanced Course requirement. For example:
A 30-page, double-spaced paper based on independent research
An independent creative project using two methods
A game with a plan for playtesting and iteration
A film that engages experimentally with an existing form or style, or employs a new method(s)
A TV pilot screenplay with a series bible
FILM 95/96 Sequence: Honors Project I and II
In addition to the basic requirements for the Culminating Experience above, a student must have completed at least five major courses and have an average in the major of 3.4 or higher and a college average of 3.0 or higher
The Culminating Experience instructor is the advisor for all projects
The Honors Project is a two-term commitment and may be pursued in critical studies or production/media-making
The Honors Project may only be completed during winter and spring terms
Students must attend the Culminating Experience seminar in winter and spring terms
The Honors Project is designed to be an ambitious and innovative project that uses at least two methods and reflects two contexts (social, historical, political, aesthetic, conceptual, theoretical, personal).
"Ambitious" and "innovative" are not synonymous with longer. Rather, they signal the creative use of multiple methods and contexts in the research and creation process
The department expects the general length to be commensurate with other options for the Culminating Experience but expects an honors project proposal to articulate the use of multiple methods and contexts and to articulate the aesthetic approach
Please note that in order to be considered for "Honors" or "High Honors," students must be accepted into the FILM 95/96 sequence. Completion of the FILM 95/96 sequence does not automatically confer Honors or High Honors for the project. The awarding of Honors and High Honors will be determined by the F&MS faculty.