Ciné Salon presents "Fallen Angels", a memorial screening to honor the years cinematic losses Monday, September 23rd at 7 PM in the Mayer Room, Howe Library. Filmmakers featured will include Douglas Crimp, Barbara Hammer, Jonas Mekas, Annette Michelson, Gerald O'Grady, D.A. Pennebaker, Suzan Pitt, Carolee Schneemann, Phil Solomon and Milos Stehlik.
Films slated to screen will include: Asparagus (1979) Suzan Pitt 19 min; I'm Ready (2003) Charles Recher 6.5 min; "The Little Boat" Christopher and Me (1960) D.A. Pennebaker 42 sec; Monks of Cinema (1963, 2006) Jonas Mekas 6 min; Dr. Watson's X-Rays (1990) Barbara Hammer 22 min; Spiral Perception-Marshall McLuhan (nd) Gerald O'Grady 6 min; Seasons… (2002) Phil Solomon, Stan Brakhage 16 min; Kitch's Last Meal (1973-76) Carolee Schneemann 54 min. TRT 125 mins.
View the Asparagus (1979) Suzan Pitt 19 min; I'm Ready (2003) Charles Recher 6.5 min; "The Little Boat" Christopher and Me (1960) D.A. Pennebaker 42 sec; Monks of Cinema (1963, 2006) Jonas Mekas 6 min; Dr. Watson's X-Rays (1990) Barbara Hammer 22 min; Spiral Perception-Marshall McLuhan (nd) Gerald O'Grady 6 min; Seasons… (2002) Phil Solomon, Stan Brakhage 16 min; Kitch's Last Meal (1973-76) Carolee Schneemann 54 min. TRT 125 mins
View the new Ciné Salon: Frozen Time schedule here