Eyewash presents: Eyeworks Festival of Experimental Animation
Directed by artists Lilli Carre and Alexander Stewart, Eyeworks is an invitational festival focusing on abstract animation and unconventional character animation...
[more]Directed by artists Lilli Carre and Alexander Stewart, Eyeworks is an invitational festival focusing on abstract animation and unconventional character animation...
[more]Professor Mark Williams will speak at the Digital Humanities and the Historical Archive Symposium (to be held at Hong Kong Baptist University on May 9th). He also spoke at the Transformations Conference at New York University April 15th and 16th.
[more]“We have a rich history of the avant-garde that is kind of hidden,” Mack says. She likes the made@dartmouth campaign—and in fact helped come up with the name...
[more]Mary Flanagan, the Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor in Digital Humanities, has been selected for a prestigious Getty Scholarship for 2016-17. These scholarships are awarded by the Getty Foundation, whose mission is to advance the visual arts by supporting scholars and institutions who have gained distinction in this field. She will also receive an honorary doctorate in design from the Illinois Institute of Technology this year. The IIT once housed the Art Institute of Chicago and is now home to the Institute of Design which has long been a proponent of human-centered design, a major focus of Professor Flanagan’s work.
[more]Meet and chat about games and game design with Professor Mary Flanagan and the Tiltfactor team while playing video games developed at Dartmouth’s very own Tiltfactor lab, including the award-winning Smorball, as well as top secret games still in development, and board and card games...