Budd Schulberg: A Centennial Celebration

Dartmouth College will celebrate the life and career of Budd Schulberg '36, arguably the greatest writer to have matriculated at Dartmouth. Schulberg is best known as an Academy Award winning Screenwriter, Novelist, Journalist, and Sports Writer. He was also a committed and controversial figure in American politics. The legacy of Schulberg's career will be surveyed and placed into historical context via presentations from family members, colleagues, and scholars. These events are free and open to the public (except as noted). ​

November 6 and 7, 2014
Black Family Visual Arts Center
Dartmouth College

November 6th, 2014

6:30-7:30pm Reception and Schulberg exhibit at Rauner Library

November 7th, 2014

All Events in Loew Auditorium, Visual Arts Center

8:30-9am Pastries and Coffee (301 Visual Arts Center)

9-9:15am Welcoming Remarks
Dean Adrian Randolph; Jay Satterfield (Rauner Library)

9:15-10:45am Budd Schulberg in Retrospect (I)

"Sammy Forever: The Enduring Appeal of What Makes Sammy Run"
Noah Isenberg (New School)

"Writing on the Front Lines: Budd Schulberg and the Screen Writers Guild"
Miranda Banks (Emerson College)

"From Folk Comedy to Folk Tragedy: The Success and Failure of A Face in the Crowd"
Joanna Rapf (University of Oklahoma)

11am-12:00pm Screening:

Hollywood Renegade: Budd Schulberg
Documentary work in progress by Benn Schulberg, son of Budd Schulberg

12:00pm-1:15pm Lunch (301 Visual Arts Center)

1:30-2:15pm Family Reminiscences

2:30-4pm Budd Schulberg in Retrospect (II)

"Budd Schulberg and Boxing"
Carlo Rotella (Boston College)

"A Life in Partnerships: Budd Schulberg as Creative and Spiritual Collaborator"
James Fisher (Fordham University)

"The Last Liberal? Budd Schulberg and the Problem of Racial Revolution"
Daniel Widener (University of California at San Diego)

4:15-5:45pm Professional Reminiscences and Futures

5:45-6pm Concluding Remarks

6:30-10pm Dinner Celebration, Norwich Inn (invited participants)


This event coincides with a special exhibit in Rauner Library of the materials from the Budd Schulberg Collection housed in Special Collections.​