Video Art Student Showcase (S22)

Join us for the Student Showcase of FILM 48.02/SART 17.20 Video Art Student Showcase on Wed. June 1, 6:30 pm, VAC 001, with Prof. Mary Flanagan. 

This theory/practice studio course explores the medium of video as an art form. Through a survey of historical and contemporary works, students examine how history, access, culture, and technological shifts have influenced and changed how artists work with the moving image and time-based media. From early portable video rigs and live video to the use of animation, netart, streaming video, and memes, the course will unpack the role that film, video, sound, writing, performance, abstraction, installation, structure, streaming, and narrative forms have played in their work. Students create individual video projects to develop their artistic voice and point of view; they engage with properties that distinguish video art practices while completing a series of creative experiments in order to develop a personal media vocabulary. Students will use video art to expand our understanding of time, space, sound, representation, and narrative.