FS 47 Curating and Microcinema presents screening
Programmed by students of FS47 Curating and Microcinema, this program examines the role of women in animation and comics...
[more]Programmed by students of FS47 Curating and Microcinema, this program examines the role of women in animation and comics...
[more]Lizzy Rogers ’16 new animated film “A Story About You” will be featured at the Student Animation Screening. “I really wanted to play with the idea of truth in cinema as well as connecting with the viewer,” Rogers said. Read more in The D!
[more]The students of Film Studies 38 Advanced Animation will screen thier work at 8 PM on Tuesday, May 31st in the Loew Theater, Black Family Visual Arts Center.
[more]Mary Flanagan’s new chapter in Zones of Control (MIT Press, 2016) is the culminating chapter in this book of 48 essays by luminaries in the field of study that includes simulations, military actions, and the theory and practice of war games. In A Companion to Digital Art (2016) Flanagan furthers her notions of "critical play" across today’s digital art forms, and examines the aesthetics and politics of new game-related artworks in her chapter.
[more]Thursday, May 26th at 7:30 PM in the Loew Auditorium of the Visual Arts Center. Free and open to the public