The Year that Shook the Arts: Free Lecture & Screening
Literatue and Cinema in the Russian Revolution will be explored in this free lecture and screening on Friday, October 27th in the BVAC's Loew Theater at 4PM
[more]Literatue and Cinema in the Russian Revolution will be explored in this free lecture and screening on Friday, October 27th in the BVAC's Loew Theater at 4PM
[more]Professor Mary Flanagan was included in an article about Warrior Gamers in this issue of Cosmopolitan España...
[more]Screening Wednesday October 25th, I Know a Man ... Ashley Bryan features Ashley Bryan (who retired as emeritus professor of art at Dartmouth in 1988), a 93-year-old creative wonder...
[more]Professor Mack' newest film Wasteland # 1: Ardent, Verdant had its world premiere at the Locarno Festival, followed by its North American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival.
[more]Professor Jeffrey Ruoff will introduce the works of visonary filmmaker Chris Marker at the opening installment of this years Ciné Salon season, held at the Howe Library Mondays at 7 PM. Learn more about the elusive creator of "La Jeté" (who passed away this summer at the age of 91), of whom Agnes Varda said "He chose long ago to make himself known by his work and not by his face or through his personal life."